Concept and choreography: Christophe Béranger and Jonathan Pranlas-Descours
Collaboration of visual art: Fabio Motta
Performers: Christophe Béranger, Jonathan Pranlas Descours, Yasminee Lepe Gonzalez, Sarah Deppe, Julia Suero, Marius Moguiba, Felipe Vian, Fabio da Motta, Ester Bega, Heung Won Lee, Julija Strupaitė, Marine Fernandez, Pepe Jaimes, Susanna Maggio, Diego Alcalá, Jed Nagales, Dalila Tiraboschi, Nanaho Kugawa, Carolina Merlo
Composer: Julia Suero
Dramaturgy: Georgina Kakoudaki
Duration: 70 min. | N-8
OUT OF THE BLUE is a project that looks at cultural identities diasporas of different individuals, and the relationships we have with water, sea, blue.
OUT OF THE BLUE is a site-specific creation which presents a collection of performance portraits choreographed by Christophe Béranger and Jonathan Pranlas-Descours. The portraits are developed in close collaboration with the artists involved, based on their personal stories, the narratives they embody, and those they face in spite of themselves.
The choreographic archipelago unfolds with an immersive protocol for the public, combining the rediscovery of the place, proximity to the performance and unique moments uniting the protagonists. The presentation format of OUT OF THE BLUE #… depends on the context, site architecture and local collaboration identities: an extension involving the “islands of creations”, created In Situ and involving local communities in the performance, ranging from the senior choir to young performers who after several days of workshops participate in the final performance.
OUT OF THE BLUE, at the end of this unprecedented period, tries to answer to some extent by creating the format at the same time as the form, relying on the short circuit – the short time, to invest non-scenic spaces by creating ephemeral performance objects. Make place! In a space where the dancer and the public share the same artistic immersion.
OUT OF THE BLUE proposes to continue inter-cultural conversations, to adapt to the uncertainties of our globalized world and negotiate the international dimension of our projects in light of the pandemic and the environmental crisis.
Aura Dance Theatre is the first contemporary dance theatre in Lithuania, dating back to the modern dance studio founded by Birutė Letukaitė in 1980, which grew into the Kaunas Dance Theatre in 1995. In 2011, it became an international dance company, presenting performances on every continent and winning numerous awards.
In 1989, the theatre welcomed the first international modern dance festival in Lithuania held in Kaunas.